Assistance Programs
Property Tax
Fair Rebate Homeowners and tenants who paid property taxes on their principal residence in NJ, directly or through rent, and whose gross income for the year does not exceed $200,000 (homeowners) or $100,000 (tenants) may be eligible. Call (877)658-2972 for additional information or visit the State of New Jersey's website for additional information.
Property Tax Reimbursement (Freeze)
Homeowners, including owners of mobile home located in mobile home parks, age 65 or older, or receiving Social Security disability benefits, who paid property taxes on their principal residence in New Jersey directly or through mobile home park site fees may be eligible. Call (800)882-6597 for additional information or visit the State of New Jersey's website for additional information.
Five Year Abatement and Exemption Law
One and two family dwellings are eligible for property tax abatement for improvements of $25,000 in taxable value. Abatements cannot exceed 30% of the exemption amount. An existing one/two family dwelling must be more than 20 years old to be eligible. Call (856)783-1520 for additional information.
$250 Property Tax Deduction for Veterans or Surviving Spouses
Annual deduction of up to $250 from taxes due on the real or personal property of qualified war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses. This benefit is administered by the Borough of Magnolia. Claim form VSS must be filed with the Borough Tax Assessor or Collector.
$250 Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled or Surviving Spouses
Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled who meet certain income and residency requirements. This benefit is administered by the Borough of Magnolia. Claim form PTD must be filed with the Borough Tax Assessor or Collector. Form PD5, Annual Post-Tax Year Income Statement, must be filed with the tax collector each year after initial qualification.
Full Property Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled Veterans or Surviving Spouses
Full exemption from property taxes on a principal residence for certain totally and permanently disabled war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses. Unmarried surviving spouses of servicepersons who died on wartime active duty may also qualify. This benefit is administered by the Borough of Magnolia. Claim form DVSSE must be filed with the tax assessor.
Energy Assistance
New Jersey Comfort Partners This Program is designed to improve energy affordability for income eligible households. This objective is accomplished through the direct installation of energy efficiency measures, personalized customer energy education and counseling. Participants are asked to partner with the program to develop and carry out a household energy savings Action Plan.
Visit NJ Clean Energy for information and an on-line application.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) This program helps pay for heating costs and may cover certain medically-necessary cooling expenses. Even if your heat is included in your rent, you may qualify. APPLICATIONS FOR LIHEAP MAY BE SUBMITTED BETWEEN November 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006. Visit NJ Energy Assistance for information and an on-line application.
Universal Service Fund This program was created by the State of New Jersey to help make energy bills more affordable for low income customers. If you are eligible, USF can lower the amount you have to pay for natural gas and electricity. USF ACCEPTS APPLICATIONS ALL YEAR 'ROUND. Visit NJ Energy Assistance for information and an on-line application.
Lifeline - Utility Assistance Lifeline is a utility assistance program that offers $225 to persons who meet the PAAD eligibility requirements or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This includes utility customers as well as tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent. Visit NJ Lifeline for information.
Lifeline -
Lifeline is a federally funded program that provides a monthly discount on wireless telephone bills to eligible participants. Visit Verizon Wireless for information.
NJ Shares New Jersey Statewide Heating Assistance and Referral for Energy Services (New Jersey SHARES) is a non-profit organization charged with a mission to provide assistance to individuals and families living in New Jersey who are in need of temporary help in paying their energy bills. Visit NJ Shares for additional information and links to other programs.
Updated July 23, 2014.
© 2013 Borough of Magnolia - All Rights Reserved 438 West Evesham Avenue - Magnolia, NJ 08049-1725